disposable razor on a white background

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In short, yes, you can bring a razor on a plane in the United States.

Disposable and electric razors can be brought in your carry-on or checked bag, while all others must be securely packed in your checked bag to go on the plane. Remember that a checked bag is handed off to the airline prior to going through security. 

Pay attention to how the TSA defines both a ‘disposable razor’ as it may differ from what you know as a disposable razor.

According to a 2018 article, TSA defines a disposable razor as, “... is completely disposable (handle and all), or the kind where you replace them with cartridges. These are permissible in carry-on luggage with the blade and replacement cartridges.”

The blade is TSA’s largest concern as it could be turned into a weapon. This risk is why travelers are are not allowed to bring any of the other following razor types in his or her carry-on:

  • Safety razor
  • Straight razor
  • Shavette
  • Injector razor
  • Double edge razor

Travelers are also not allowed to bring standalone blades in their carry-on. All of these items may be packed in a checked bag; however, they must be securely packed and any sharp ends sheathed. 

safety razor showing a removable blade

A safety razor with the blade removed is shown above. These are not allowed in your carry-on, but may be placed in your checked luggage. 

In general, if it is not a disposable or electric razor, plan on packing it in your checked bag. The TSA does not provide specific definitions to other razor types; however, the defining characteristics below are how we interpret the logic behind TSA’s rules. 

Razor Type

Blade Type

Blade Characteristics

Allowed travel areas

Disposable Razor

Removable cartridge

Contained in cartridge

Carry on or checked bag

Safety Razor

Removable blade

~ 1” x 2”,  1/10mm thick

Checked bag only

Straight Razor

Steel blade

Similar to a pocket knife

Checked bag only


Removable blade

~ 1” x 2”,  1/10mm thick

Checked bag only

Injector Razor

Removable blade

~ 1” x 2”,  1/10mm thick

Checked bag only

Double edge razor

Removable blade

~ 1” x 2”,  1/10mm thick

Checked bag only

Electric Razor

Foil or rotary blade


Carry on or checked bag

TSA’s role is to keep passengers safe and any sharp or blunt object could be turned into weapon. While banning all sharps would solve one issue, it does so at the expense of heavily inconveniencing passengers.

The TSA has not specifically stated why they allow one razor style over another, but our theory is based on the ease of turning each razor into a weapon. 

Looking at the list above, a straight razor would be the easiest grooming tool to weaponize, with the blades used on a safety razor and others following in close second. 

straight razor with a wooden handle

A straight razor is shown above. A straight razor can easily be used as a weapon with its durable steel blade and wooden handle. 

In theory, you could turn a disposable razor into a deadly weapon; however, it’s significantly harder to do because:

  • The blades are contained within a cartridge that is not designed to be disassembled
  • The blades are typically smaller when compared to a safety razor blade
  • The blades would be very difficult to attach to another object to increase the range of the blade’s slashing ability
  • The blades are much cheaper and will dull faster than that of a safety razor blade

Because of those reasons, we theorize that the TSA is willing to take some risk as, again, it would be a massive inconvenience for those traveling since someone would need to either:

  1. Check a bag every single time they were traveling with a razor, or
  2. Buy a new razor at their destination

New TSA rules as of summer 2023

Despite there being no clear update on the TSA website, there have been several reports from travelers in online forums stating that TSA has not allowed them to travel with their safety razor, no blade, in their carry-on. 

As of October 2023, the TSA website states that safety razors are allowed to be taken in carry-on luggage so long as there are no blades present. This contradicts the online chatter where travelers are reporting that TSA agents are no longer allowing bladeless safety razors to be taken through security checkpoints. 

Travelers in these forums are pointing to an incident in November of 2022 where a passenger traveling from Cincinnati International Airport to Florida was able to get through a security checkpoint with two box cutters. 

Box cutters use ‘razor-style’ blades that are similar in shape and size to the blades used on safety razors. 

International travel with a razor 

You can fly internationally with a disposable, fixed cartridge razor in most countries. The rules and definitions vary slightly by country. Given that there may be some differences in terminology depending on the home country, you will want to check with local travel authorities well in advance. 

Traveling with a razor in the United Kingdom

According to the Gov.Uk website, fixed-cartridge razor blades are allowed in both hand luggage and hold luggage. It’s important to note that this differs from the United States. The TSA in the United States allows razors with a replaceable cartridge, while those in the UK must be a fixed-cartridge. 

In other words, when the blades in the razor become dull, the entire razor - head and body must be disposed of. These types of razors are allowed on flights in the United Kingdom and the United States. Razors with a replaceable cartridge head are not allowed in hand luggage or carry-ons in the United Kingdom. 

The UK’s above website does not specify different types of razors. However, that does not mean any other types of razors are allowed. If in doubt, leave the razor at home. 

Traveling internationally with a razor

Restrictions on disposable razors and razor blades vary by country and by whether they are in the carry-on luggage or the checked luggage that is placed in the hull of the aircraft. Always check the local regulations for the country you are flying from and the destination country you will be flying into to avoid any issues. 

Many countries have similar regulations to the United States. So as long as you only have a disposable, fixed-cartridge razor, you are unlikely to run into any issues while traveling.  

Country - Governing Body

Rules on traveling with razors

Link to resource

Razor blades and knives with blades of more than 6cm are prohibited in passenger and cabin baggage.

Razor blades and knives with blades of more than 6cm are prohibited in passenger and cabin baggage

Open razor or razor blade is not allowed in cabin/checked baggage. These are allowed in checked/hold luggage.

Razor blades, safety razors, and knives with blades that are longer than 6cm are banned in carry-on for all flights.

Open/straight razors, or razor blades are not allowed onboard aircraft or beyond the security screening checkpoint.

Fixed cartridge razor blades (disposable razor) is allowed in hand luggage and hold luggage.

4 types of razors and their key characteristics

The below contain general definitions and key characteristics of each razor type. Ultimately, whether you are allowed to bring the razor through the security checkpoint is at the discretion of the TSA officer, regardless of what any other resources say.

Disposable Razor

The key characteristics of a disposable razor are:

  • Plastic construction
  • Limited blade count (typically 1-3)
  • Single-use Design
  • May have a fixed blade head or a replaceable cartridge

Safety Razor

The key characteristics of a safety razor are:

  • Uses a single, replaceable, often double-edged blade
  • Body is usually weighted and made of metal
  • The blade is usually screwed or clamped to the head of the handle

Straight Razor 

The key characteristics of a straight razor are: 

  • Also known as a ‘cut-throat’ razor. 
  • Features a single, sharp blade, which typically measures a few inches
  • Blade usually folds into the handle, which doubles as a protective cover. 
  • The blade fixed and is not replaced, but sharpened when it becomes dull. 


The key characteristics of a shavette are:

  • Similar in design to a safety razor, although is slightly smaller
  • Uses removable blades that can be changed when dull
  • Blade folds into the handle for storage


Can I bring a safety razor on a plane?

Yes, a safety razor can be brought on a plane via your checked luggage. A safety razor cannot be taken in your personal item or carry-on bag that is accessible in the cabin’s aircraft. 

How should I pack my razor for air travel?

Disposable razors can be packed in a standard travel kit. Razors that are placed in checked luggage must be packed so that there are no sharp edges exposed where a handler could be cut if your bag needs to be searched. Placing your razor in a leather pouch or other small travel case is highly recommended. 

Are straight razors allowed on planes?

Yes, but they must be placed in your checked luggage and securely wrapped or sheathed. You are not allowed to bring a straight razor in your carry-on or personal bag. Straight razors are not accessible while you are in the cabin of the aircraft. 

What are the rules for carrying razor blades separately?

Razor blades may travel with you as long as they are securely packaged in your checked luggage. Razor blades are not allowed in your carry-on or personal bag. 

Can I bring shaving cream or gel with my razor?

Shaving cream or shaving gel is allowed to be brought in your carry-on as long as it is less than or equal to 3.4fl oz / 100ml and follows the 3-1-1 rule.


Written by
Brian Fischer, Staff Writer

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